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Mountain Living |
I've spent my entire life struggling to make ends meet, and finding out that friends I called family weren't so much. An endless list of stories that could end with "pity me", but to cut to the chase I decided at one point that I was done with the world. I was done with the social stereotypical attitude of judgement and manipulation. I was tired of the dishonesty and the betrayal; tired of the system.
I spent several years just looking for a place, a lifestyle that suited me. I was a nomad living out of a mini-van in the mountains of Montana, Idaho, and Utah; a mountain man raised cowboy just living off the land. I eventually came into possession of a crappy little Honda Shadow 700 that I bobbed out and tore the shit out of. On two wheels I felt like I'd found my place.
I bought my 2015 Harley Davidson Street Bob (FXDB) on July 31st, 2015, and wrecked the bitch doing 70 on Hwy 55 three days later in a 40 mph curve after hitting loose gravel left over from a month old chip seal, walking away with just a scraped finger and light shoulder road rash. I got it fixed up and today, just under a year later, I've got almost 20,000 miles on her and have conquered that same curve multiple times since.
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Wreck Aftermath |
The fact that I ride hard doesn't make me any better or any worse than any other rider out there. But it has earned me a certain level of respect within my local community that speaks of an understanding that I don't sport anything on my vest that I have not earned, whether under official MC recognition or earned in my own right. That said, the following will define each patch on my independent cut.
I'll start with the right side. Worn on my right belt line, "If you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride" meant to get a rise or giggle out of readers. Three patches reflecting my Christian faith, "Snake River Valley Christian Riders", A patch of Calvary, and A "Jesus is Lord" ribbon. Just above the ribbon is my hand double stitched 1% diamond; this diamond represents my right to be an individual, it represents my anarchist mindset, a belief that mankind as a whole would be just fine without Federal Government dictating our lives. This diamond represents that I'll live my life as I choose with respect of the well being and rights of others. The government labels people like me "Outlaws" and you can read about what it really means to be a 1%er (HERE), contrary to the deceptions of the government. Finishing off the right front panel just above the top pocket I fly the Rebel or "Southern Cross" flag as an acknowledgement of history.

Last but certainly not least, my back patch. I sport a 3 piece "vendor" patch setup that some may find disrespectful. Its these individuals I hope will pay close attention to this section of the blog in that it may bring clarity and I hope they'll share the same respect shown to me by local clubs.
Top rocker "Born Free", bottom rocker "American". A statement declaring my having been born under the protection of the United States Constitution, providing me with documented acknowledgment of my inalienable rights as a human being in existence to live as I choose as long as my actions and choices do not harm or infringe on the rights of others. My center patch sports an American Bald Eagle with wings spread, an American Flag shield with Crossed rifles and text reading "The 2nd Amendment, A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", "1791", Protect our rights" Don't Tread On Me". This center patch represents the teeth of the Constitution and its 27 Amendments as our right to defend ourselves and those around us from both civil and government threats. Our right to be armed equally to that of the government that dictates us.

I can understand the concern of MC's when they see an independent sporting a 3 piece patch. We live in a world of thoughtless people who would completely disregard the responsibility that comes with it. These individuals pose a threat to the entire culture by having no concern with their public conduct and give MC's a bad wrap because of it. They don't understand or even care that to the general public, we're all the same. They don't see a club name, color and territory, they just see three patches and we all look the same. So what one club does, affects the entire MC community, and the same goes for an independent like myself who sports a 3 piece patch setup.
I am not a criminal, the only mark on my record is that of a possession of Marijuana charge placed on me in 2011. I don't hang out at the bars, and I don't start shit with people I disagree with unless they threaten my family. I'm just your average Joe minding his own business and living his own life. I have friends in the MC life, and friends who are weekend warriors; I have friends who don't ride and I have friends that hate motorcycles.
This is my proclamation, this is who I am. I am 1%, I'm just a biker.