There are many folks, my father included, who grew up with a lifestyle that found the term "Ole Lady" degrading, and I can understand that. But considering our new found lifestyle, it's more of a respected tolerance for him, and an honor for me. To call my girl my ole lady bestows a special level of "mine" for lack of better explanation. That said, this blog will likely not set well with feminists in that they'll feel guys like me see women as "property" rather than a human being. So here's the sitrep.
The Ole Lady, the greatest personal rank a woman can achieve within the biker culture that gives her a certain level of recognition and acknowledgement within the community that is not offered to anyone else. Once you become a mans Ole Lady you've proven yourself to be loyal, respectful, loving, nurturing, catering and honest, you are in a sense protected by his shadow. Any true biker, 1%-99% who knows she is yours, will respect that through and through. In many cases, some will go as far as to not even acknowledge your woman's presence. Something normal society would take offense to, but its a sign of ultimate respect within the biker community, more so in MC life. Lack of acknowledgment ensures that no bad impressions or disrespect are made.
Once you gain the status of ones ole lady, your ole mans brothers will look out for you, protect you like a sister, and be a constant barrier between you and any man who would seek to disrespect you, your ole man, or your relationship. "Girlfriends" don't get this luxury because they have boundaries that need be tested in order to establish trust between her and her man. Nobody wants to claim an ole lady only to later find out she's an easy woman. In combination of ole lady status, in company of true brothers, it does away with the insecurities of having other men around your woman. A man can leave his woman in the company of his brothers without worry.
An ole lady doesn't always agree, or do what she's told. The title doesn't mean submission, it simply means respect. She acknowledges her mans status in the relationship as a leader, a protector, a king; and in return she reaps all the benefits of being his queen. Unbreakable devotion and commitment, nurturing and as much pampering as he's capable of. A proven ole lady knows that she'll never have to worry about another woman. And in the event that another woman over steps her bounds, an ole lady is entitled to unleashing all hell against her offender without interference from her man.
There are a very select few, I'll quote a previous blog in saying that 1% of the 1% will feel his alpha status entitles him to any woman he desires, but only calls one of them his own. These men are undeserving of any woman and I'm struck with sorrow for these women. You deserve better for all that you offer within your relationship.
An ole lady generally has her queens seat upon her mans iron horse. The 2 up has her name on it and no other woman rides without her permission, which is extremely rare. The only exception is immediate family, or a brothers ole lady. A brothers ole lady will always respect and request permission if circumstances require that she needs a ride. But the standard stands that nobody rides your ole lady's seat. Its your bike, her seat. Period. Men like myself consider it a great honor to gift the exclusive of his 2+, and a good woman takes pride in that.
The private life between an ole couple is as any other. You'll love on one another, you'll bicker and argue over stupid shit, and times will be both good and bad. In public among brothers, an ole lady knows her place and how to best honor her man among his brothers. A good woman can also earn her man respect by acknowledging that her words and actions reflect entirely on her man. If she steps out of place or shows disrespect towards someone else, her man is the one to pay. A good woman doesn't have to walk on egg shells, because she naturally understands the definition of respect for her man and those around.
As a man, I would be lost without my ole lady. She is the foundation at which I stand. The friend I trust more than any other. The only being on earth to know my weaknesses and struggles. She is the pillar of my life's purpose and I am grateful to God above for having blessed me with her partnership in this life.
I love you Katelyn
Sincerely, You're Ole Man.
My Queen |
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