Now if you've never seen the movie, its worth a watch as it's a solid timeless entertaining classic; but that's just it, entertainment. The problem with entertainment is that all to often, more times than not, society perceives Hollywood fiction as social reality. In today's modern times, Hollywood productions such as "Sons of Anarchy" negatively influence and represent the biker culture the way that "The Wild Ones" did back in 47' only to a much more violent and schizophrenic manner, and I use schizophrenic to every extent of the word. I would like to take a moment to discuss the truth about the real 1%ers out there.
After the AMA released their statement in 1947 they no longer allowed these so called "Outlaw" clubs to be associated with their organization, basically any club with a 3 piece insignia. The only determining factor as to which clubs were considered to be "Outlaw" or not was that of the governments prejudices formed solely from single individuals and incidents like the one in 1947 with the Booze Fighters member and included very little proven fact. As a result, these clubs, now demonized by the government and the AMA based entirely off of a Hollywood production decided to proudly claim to be 1% as a joke regarding the AMA's statement.
The 1% diamond (seen above) was created as a badge of pride and competence. It represented an individual not foolish enough to place judgement against others based on media, government, or any other 3rd person opinion or perspective simply because they spoke their perceptions as truth. Over time, the 1% diamond became the golden standard to represent any individual that chooses to live outside of social manipulation, maintaining the bare bone basics of human nature. In saying that, I'll explain that point by stating this; "I care not about what others think of you, my opinion of you as an individual will be determined solely on how you treat me and those around me" quoting myself in something I share regularly with those I meet, the mindset of every true 1%er in the world.
You might be thinking at this point that I am somehow bias to 1% clubs so I'll fill you in on a little secret. I belong to no club, and hold no association. I am a nomad who prefers to be alone and
do my own thing; and I have many friends on both sides of the 1% and 99% richter scale of motorcycle riders all over the country. I am the Born Free American, I am the 1%.
If you'd of asked me some time ago if just anyone could fly the diamond I'd of laughed in your face. But the more I thought about it over the years I came to this conclusion. You don't need to hold a club patch to be 1%, you just have to stand for what you believe in without needing the approval of others. You have to live a life of integrity and respect for others. You have to believe in the American Dream founded entirely upon the United States Constitution. You have to believe in your rights as an American undiluted by regulation and social oppression. This might sound intense, but I'm talking about the same people who get together with family for a Sunday evening cook out; the same people with little children and people they love tenderheartedly. We're not criminals, we're just people with something to stand for. A true 1%er will stand up against any Government or thug 1% hot head out there who makes demands with disrespect or attempts to dictate their life.
Its time to address the "trouble makers" and your questions regarding the documented violence concerning 1%ers around the world.
Have you ever woke up in the morning and turned on the news? Maybe you hear about a couple celebrities getting hitched, a flood in the south east, or maybe there was another horrific shooting at some college campus. Take a moment to notice that there is rarely ever any sort of good news shared in the media. News and social hype networks are designed to gain attention through using human natures need for suspense by "shock and awe" manipulation.
The only time you'll ever hear about bikers on the media, is if something bad has happened (Waco Shooting 2015). Very very seldom will you ever hear about clubs standing in line for 5 days to buy out a superstores entire supply of bicycles to give away to family's with children who couldn't afford one; or the veteran memorial runs and other positive light associated monthly with clubs around the world. Instead you'll hear headliners like "motorcycle gang shooting" or "biker brutality"; shame.
I'd like you to take a moment and visualize a character. Joe Sumbuddy, a popular jock in high school. He's captain of the football team and stacked like a tank. Everybody knows his name and what he's capable of. Naturally most people love him while a select few hate him, whether it be for his social status or his physical reputation. It never ceases to be that some underdog who's not as socially recognized or has a chip on his shoulder that chooses to challenge Joe Sumbuddy to fight in the school yard during break or jumps him in the locker room . I'd like you to ask yourself one simple question, should Joe stand there and allow someone to assault him, simply because of who he is or what he's achieved, or should he defend himself? Naturally the latter is the option of choice to anyone who appreciates not being harmed, and Joe Sumbuddy comes out on top while the assailant lays on the ground with black and blue bruises all over his face with blood coming from his teeth. Is the jock now a bad person for defending himself? That is a rhetorical question because your "opinion" doesn't matter, the natural definite answer is "no" he is not a bad person for defending himself.
Now does that scenario change if you replace the jock with a motorcycle club member wearing a 3 piece patch? Does wearing a leather jacket with your association stitched on back some how grant you mystical "evil" powers? Can you not see the nonsense in all this? The jock could be a biker, a toddler in grade school, a stripper from the club or an officer of the law and reality's mechanics would remain the same. Self defense does not make you a bad person, and people do regularly get attacked for reasons that make absolutely no logical sense, biker or not.
The above concept applies to the 1% and that's why I chose to use it. Everybody knows who they are and everybody's heard the reputation they've been saddled with involuntarily. Its only natural that both solo tough guys and groups alike would seek to challenge the "baddest" dog in the house. While that "bad" dog just wants to be left alone. Can you really expect some well known 1% club member to just stand idle while some dude comes at him with a knife or pulls a gun on him? They didn't go looking for trouble, trouble sought them out for the sake of making a name for themselves. These 1%ers are not always "bad guys", but simply willing to defend themselves. I mean really ask yourself "what would I do?".
Am I so foolish as to say that there are no genuine "bad guys" out there in the MC world? Absolutely not! I'd say 1% of the 1% bikers are genuine "bad guys", the arrogant and ruthless. But that truth is applicable in every aspect of life. There are bad bikers, there are bad football players, there are bad bartenders and bad teachers; there are bad college students and there are bad cowboys and cops, bad doctors and bad lawyers. Evil can have any face, so why is it that when bad people wear the identity of a social group then suddenly the entire group is held accountable? Even I as an independent dissociated biker gets treated poorly on a regular basis simply because people see that I wear a 3 piece insignia and automatically assume I'm a "criminal". Insanity! I've had two speeding tickets in my entire life, one seat belt violation and the most serious offense on my record is a possession of marijuana charge when I was 21 and any logical thinking human being would conclude that the severity of that so called "offense" is minimal at most.
Anybody can be a killer, anybody can be a rapist or an assailant of any kind and its been proven time and time again throughout all of history. Catholic Priests have raped and molested children (Wikipedia's Archives), a cop cuffs, and rapes 19 year old woman during a traffic stop (Daily News True Story); corrupt LEO's involved with drug rings (Cop Block True Story); doctors have lied to make profit (CNN True Story), and the neighbor kid down the street butchered his parents with a hammer and then held a party downstairs afterwards (ABC News True Story). So can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that because someone wears a 1% patch that they're dangerous criminals? Don't be foolish.
You may be thinking to yourself "Well I'm not a biker, or a club member, so I don't get any trouble". When the truth is that if you don't have these problems, its not because you're not a biker or a club member, its because you don't stand or fight for anything. If someone were to hold you up, you'd hand over your social security card, your debit and credit cards, all of your cash, your drivers license, your keys, your wife's wedding ring, and the cloths off your back. The 1% don't believe in submission to anyone. We believe through and through that mankind comes with inalienable rights,
the rights that come with ones mere existence. Defend yourself, and your natural rights. Even those of us who stand up for ourselves and what we believe in, and for those we love, rarely encounter "trouble". It's a rare occasion that the media has amplified hundred fold so that society would believe that it is somehow a daily occurrence. The only place I've ever found that holds that kind of trouble on virtually a daily basis is the pub & bars. But brawls, stabbings and shootings that happen at the bar don't magically happen exclusively between "bikers". The people getting arrested range from girlfriend and ex girlfriend bumping into each other and having it out, to some dude making fun of the homosexual down the way and it turns out the faggot could fight. People who cause trouble have no genuine label or image other than "human trouble maker" regardless of attire or lifestyle.
If its not yours, you can't have it unless I gift it to you. If you wish to harm me or my family or that gas station clerk for the cash in his register, or maybe that teacher that pissed you off in psychology class, we'll beat you to the punch and take you out first if we're able. You might say that "two wrongs don't make a right" but I say none of that matters if you're robbed of everything you've worked for or don't live to see tomorrow, or loose the right to be human. You have to do what you have to do in order to survive in life. That means work hard, play hard, and respect all who respect you. Respect doesn't mean you like the person, it just means you accept that they are their own which makes no difference to you.
If you're a submissive individual like 99% of society today, you simply have no struggles in life beyond going to work, making your coin, feeding your family, worrying about petty things that happen to everybody e.g. a death in the family, a relationship failure, or maybe you got fired, and then you wake up in the morning to repeat it all over again. But when you stand for something, you make enemies, you offend people. Whether its the civilian down the street, the cyber tough guy with an ego trip or some federal agency that realizes a group of individuals have enough power to maintain and ensure their constitutional freedom independently instead of being regulated and dominated so heavily that Freedom becomes a mythical thing no different than being able to trust a politicians every word. Just because you think you're free, or feel like you're free, doesn't mean that you are. With true Constitutional freedom comes severe discrimination, biker or not. 1% or 99% doesn't describe a biker, it describes the human race. 1% of mankind is willing to stand up for their undeniable rights of existence while 99% live in submission, content with their oppression.

The idea of freedom is a simple concept. If I'm not hurting someone, or infringing upon someone elses rights, I'm free to do whatever I please; Constitutionally speaking that is. Thanks to "SoA" for destroying the true meaning of Anarchist, being an absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. The Constitution was designed by Anarchists in a way that acknowledged the inalienable rights of each individuals existence. Our founding fathers understood that one person or group of people no matter how large or small cannot dictate how another lives their life without using tyrannical force; a common daily practice of your modern day government. Tyrannical by definition being oppressive and controlling.
Somewhere along the line between media and government manipulation, people have been confused between Freedom and comfortable slavery. They figure if they can go about their daily lives without encountering trouble or discomfort, that they're somehow "free". But truth is that when you can't spend you're hard earned dollars in any way you please, or the fact you only get 30% of that which you earn; you are no longer free. Add in that you can't speak your mind freely without censorship, or being denied the right to defend yourself; the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the United States Constitution become nothing but an illusion and you've arrived at your doorstep chained, gagged, and defenseless as a "free slave". When the world believes that hurt feelings and offense through opposing views and opinions, dominates an individuals or group of individuals rights, we've truly lost our way. Do yourself a favor and read up on your rights as an American given to you by the 33 Amendments of the United States Constitution so that you might realize what Freedom really means, you can do so by clicking (HERE)
We respect your right to live your life as you choose, no matter how reckless that may be, and we expect the same in return even if it offends you. If we see someone making bad choices, we acknowledge that its not our place to barge in and begin dictating their lives "for their own good" and enforcing change and action. We care enough to put in a good word of encouragement and support constantly and consistently, but if that doesn't help then there is nothing more we can do. It is the right of the individual to live their life as they best see fit; even if it costs them.
After having read this, it is my hope that you click away having learned something. Not simply about bikers and the politics of a clubs patch, but instead I hope you had a revelation about what it truly means to live and be free. Its my hope that after reading this, you too will stand for something. Because 41,892,128 people have died in combat in the name of the American Dream and the Freedom it stands for since the American Revolution in 1775. That's 41.9 million lives sacrificed so that you can live a life that you believe in without needing the approval of others. I'll finish this lesson with a simple question.
How much longer will you be controlled? Be the REAL 1%
Its time to address the "trouble makers" and your questions regarding the documented violence concerning 1%ers around the world.
Have you ever woke up in the morning and turned on the news? Maybe you hear about a couple celebrities getting hitched, a flood in the south east, or maybe there was another horrific shooting at some college campus. Take a moment to notice that there is rarely ever any sort of good news shared in the media. News and social hype networks are designed to gain attention through using human natures need for suspense by "shock and awe" manipulation.
The only time you'll ever hear about bikers on the media, is if something bad has happened (Waco Shooting 2015). Very very seldom will you ever hear about clubs standing in line for 5 days to buy out a superstores entire supply of bicycles to give away to family's with children who couldn't afford one; or the veteran memorial runs and other positive light associated monthly with clubs around the world. Instead you'll hear headliners like "motorcycle gang shooting" or "biker brutality"; shame.
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Above Right: Me with my B.F.A cut Above: Me and my boy |
Now does that scenario change if you replace the jock with a motorcycle club member wearing a 3 piece patch? Does wearing a leather jacket with your association stitched on back some how grant you mystical "evil" powers? Can you not see the nonsense in all this? The jock could be a biker, a toddler in grade school, a stripper from the club or an officer of the law and reality's mechanics would remain the same. Self defense does not make you a bad person, and people do regularly get attacked for reasons that make absolutely no logical sense, biker or not.
The above concept applies to the 1% and that's why I chose to use it. Everybody knows who they are and everybody's heard the reputation they've been saddled with involuntarily. Its only natural that both solo tough guys and groups alike would seek to challenge the "baddest" dog in the house. While that "bad" dog just wants to be left alone. Can you really expect some well known 1% club member to just stand idle while some dude comes at him with a knife or pulls a gun on him? They didn't go looking for trouble, trouble sought them out for the sake of making a name for themselves. These 1%ers are not always "bad guys", but simply willing to defend themselves. I mean really ask yourself "what would I do?".

Anybody can be a killer, anybody can be a rapist or an assailant of any kind and its been proven time and time again throughout all of history. Catholic Priests have raped and molested children (Wikipedia's Archives), a cop cuffs, and rapes 19 year old woman during a traffic stop (Daily News True Story); corrupt LEO's involved with drug rings (Cop Block True Story); doctors have lied to make profit (CNN True Story), and the neighbor kid down the street butchered his parents with a hammer and then held a party downstairs afterwards (ABC News True Story). So can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that because someone wears a 1% patch that they're dangerous criminals? Don't be foolish.
You may be thinking to yourself "Well I'm not a biker, or a club member, so I don't get any trouble". When the truth is that if you don't have these problems, its not because you're not a biker or a club member, its because you don't stand or fight for anything. If someone were to hold you up, you'd hand over your social security card, your debit and credit cards, all of your cash, your drivers license, your keys, your wife's wedding ring, and the cloths off your back. The 1% don't believe in submission to anyone. We believe through and through that mankind comes with inalienable rights,
the rights that come with ones mere existence. Defend yourself, and your natural rights. Even those of us who stand up for ourselves and what we believe in, and for those we love, rarely encounter "trouble". It's a rare occasion that the media has amplified hundred fold so that society would believe that it is somehow a daily occurrence. The only place I've ever found that holds that kind of trouble on virtually a daily basis is the pub & bars. But brawls, stabbings and shootings that happen at the bar don't magically happen exclusively between "bikers". The people getting arrested range from girlfriend and ex girlfriend bumping into each other and having it out, to some dude making fun of the homosexual down the way and it turns out the faggot could fight. People who cause trouble have no genuine label or image other than "human trouble maker" regardless of attire or lifestyle.
If its not yours, you can't have it unless I gift it to you. If you wish to harm me or my family or that gas station clerk for the cash in his register, or maybe that teacher that pissed you off in psychology class, we'll beat you to the punch and take you out first if we're able. You might say that "two wrongs don't make a right" but I say none of that matters if you're robbed of everything you've worked for or don't live to see tomorrow, or loose the right to be human. You have to do what you have to do in order to survive in life. That means work hard, play hard, and respect all who respect you. Respect doesn't mean you like the person, it just means you accept that they are their own which makes no difference to you.
If you're a submissive individual like 99% of society today, you simply have no struggles in life beyond going to work, making your coin, feeding your family, worrying about petty things that happen to everybody e.g. a death in the family, a relationship failure, or maybe you got fired, and then you wake up in the morning to repeat it all over again. But when you stand for something, you make enemies, you offend people. Whether its the civilian down the street, the cyber tough guy with an ego trip or some federal agency that realizes a group of individuals have enough power to maintain and ensure their constitutional freedom independently instead of being regulated and dominated so heavily that Freedom becomes a mythical thing no different than being able to trust a politicians every word. Just because you think you're free, or feel like you're free, doesn't mean that you are. With true Constitutional freedom comes severe discrimination, biker or not. 1% or 99% doesn't describe a biker, it describes the human race. 1% of mankind is willing to stand up for their undeniable rights of existence while 99% live in submission, content with their oppression.

The idea of freedom is a simple concept. If I'm not hurting someone, or infringing upon someone elses rights, I'm free to do whatever I please; Constitutionally speaking that is. Thanks to "SoA" for destroying the true meaning of Anarchist, being an absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. The Constitution was designed by Anarchists in a way that acknowledged the inalienable rights of each individuals existence. Our founding fathers understood that one person or group of people no matter how large or small cannot dictate how another lives their life without using tyrannical force; a common daily practice of your modern day government. Tyrannical by definition being oppressive and controlling.
Somewhere along the line between media and government manipulation, people have been confused between Freedom and comfortable slavery. They figure if they can go about their daily lives without encountering trouble or discomfort, that they're somehow "free". But truth is that when you can't spend you're hard earned dollars in any way you please, or the fact you only get 30% of that which you earn; you are no longer free. Add in that you can't speak your mind freely without censorship, or being denied the right to defend yourself; the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the United States Constitution become nothing but an illusion and you've arrived at your doorstep chained, gagged, and defenseless as a "free slave". When the world believes that hurt feelings and offense through opposing views and opinions, dominates an individuals or group of individuals rights, we've truly lost our way. Do yourself a favor and read up on your rights as an American given to you by the 33 Amendments of the United States Constitution so that you might realize what Freedom really means, you can do so by clicking (HERE)
We respect your right to live your life as you choose, no matter how reckless that may be, and we expect the same in return even if it offends you. If we see someone making bad choices, we acknowledge that its not our place to barge in and begin dictating their lives "for their own good" and enforcing change and action. We care enough to put in a good word of encouragement and support constantly and consistently, but if that doesn't help then there is nothing more we can do. It is the right of the individual to live their life as they best see fit; even if it costs them.
After having read this, it is my hope that you click away having learned something. Not simply about bikers and the politics of a clubs patch, but instead I hope you had a revelation about what it truly means to live and be free. Its my hope that after reading this, you too will stand for something. Because 41,892,128 people have died in combat in the name of the American Dream and the Freedom it stands for since the American Revolution in 1775. That's 41.9 million lives sacrificed so that you can live a life that you believe in without needing the approval of others. I'll finish this lesson with a simple question.
How much longer will you be controlled? Be the REAL 1%
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Diversity |
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